AHQ: Protestantism in an Angevin Realm?

The question is: what outcome may result? Could we see a religious difference between the French and British, or perhaps the religion that doesn't become prominent remain in American colonies?

Then I think that if we limited ourselves to looking only within the continental Angevin dominions ( I mean both France and England + plus any subsequent territorial conquests ), we could see the Protestant ATLs being a tiny minority, who would be kept under control by the government quite "easily", leaving them with only two options either to emigrate to a European country where the Reformation actually took root successfully or try to seek your fortune in the colonies ( not necessarily those of the Angevins, given that they may have a policy very similar to OTL France or Spain, therefore limited only to Catholic faithful ) or in the Ottoman Empire ( which in Otl had no problem welcoming volunteers or exiles from Europe, who brought with them knowledge or skills useful for the Sublime Gate )